Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are delighted to provide you with details of our upcoming 5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting, scheduled for
Thursday 16th January 2025 (16.00 – 18.30). We are looking forward to meeting you to discuss your child’s progress during this important year of the Senior Cycle programme. The 5th year Parent Teacher Meeting will be held in person in the college.
Using the PTMOrg booking system, you can select which teachers you would like to speak with through our school website under
Parents/Guardians > Senior Cycle > 5th Year Information. The booking system is directly available at the following location:
When you visit the Parent Teacher Meeting Scheduler you should:
- Enter your unique Student ID (stored in your child’s journal):
- Select the teachers you wish to speak to in order of preference
- Click ‘Save Preferences’ before leaving the page
The closing date for entering your preferences is the end of the day, Wednesday 18th December 2024. Please note that appointments cannot be scheduled to see any teachers after this date. We will send home a schedule of your appointments for the parent teacher meeting on Tuesday 14th January 2025, via your son/daughter. The appointments will also be viewable online via the PTM Org website at the following address
Please note it is unlikely that you will get to see all teachers due to the set time available for staff meetings and the number of class groups that a teacher may have. Please check the student journal prior to completing the booking form for any recent teacher feedback/comments that may inform your selection. In the case where a teacher has your child for more than one subject, please make 1 appointment only to maximise the number of appointments you will receive.
As appointment slots are limited, we ask that you let the school know as soon as possible if you schedule meetings but are unable to attend. This is very important as it means that the appointment slots can be offered to other parents.
Each meeting will last 5 minutes. This is a short period of time and we ask you to familiarise yourself with our Staff-Parent-Student Communication Guidelines available on our website under the Policies Tab. If you require a discussion about a serious or personal matter, a parent teacher meeting is not a suitable forum for this and we advise you to make a separate appointment for this matter.
Separately, Guidance Counsellor appointments for Ms. McManus and Additional Needs appointments for Mr E. O’Neill can be made by emailing
Your sincerely,
Colette Clarke (Year Head) Kevin McGowan (Deputy Principal)
5th Year Booklist
Letter available here
Book Grant Form
Available here
School Calendar 2024/25
Available here
School timetable
Your child’s timetable will be available when they arrive for induction and you can also view it on your parent VSware app when term starts.
Full uniform policy available on our website here – please read carefully; Students in all years do PE and require a full school PE uniform. Students wear their PE uniform for the day when PE is on the timetable. Our uniform supplier is Schoolwear House and the uniform flyer and pricelist is here. Contact details and sizing advice are available on their website
5th year Induction Day Wednesday 28th August 10.45am – 12.45pm:
Students should arrive in full uniform and require only a copy, a pencil case and a small snack on their induction days. A locker will be allocated to students and books can be brought in gradually over the first week.
Classes begin on Friday 30th August for all students. Please note that classes finish at 13.06 on this day.
Over 18 Student Request Form
Please read this letter and return this form to the Year Head if a student has turned 18.