The Educational Partners
A strong sense of community is created by the engagement of everyone in the process of education and the development of relationships based on mutual respect. All partners are encouraged to deal with each other at all times in a positive manner; teachers are encouraged to work in a collegial manner and to engage in professional development; families are encouraged to be actively and positively involved in the education of their members; students are encouraged to be active agents in their own education; the Board of Management and the DDLETB facilitate this involvement and engagement for all.
Active Learning
In Lucan Community College this happens through teaching and learning. It happens formally through teaching the curriculum, through experiences in the extra and co-curricular activities offered by the school. It happens through the development of each person as a human being, equipped to deal with responsibilities to themselves, their families and society.
The School Environment
All members of the school community should be treated positively and with respect. Issues that may cause a person to suffer in an educational context will be addressed in a respectful and compassionate manner. There is no tolerance of activities that would cause any member of the school community to feel marginalised or unsafe in any way.
The School Community
All members are equally valued, respected, and treated fairly regardless of social background, sexual orientation, religion, gender, ethnicity, family circumstances, age, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual ability. The differences of all in the community are cherished in an atmosphere of tolerance. ‘Aontas’ (Unity) is our motto. All members are encouraged to experience a sense of belonging and of being cared for in a school which values their holistic, intellectual, social, moral, emotional, physical and academic development.